These look amazing. Thank you! I for one don’t have the time to find all the gems on this platform

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Dia Becker, thanks for the piece on PMDD. I must admit that when I was first prompted to read about it a lot of the articles (academic and otherwise, bit esp. Paula Caplan who I had already some familiar with) I found argued that it does not exist/ is just a demonisation of PMS, but I quickly disabused myself of that notion. Without getting into the forbidden topic, I think it's a difficult thing for many men to get our heads around and ultimately requires us/ male doctors to largely listen to women. I can see how it's a diagnosis that can be used against women in the way that "hysteria" used to be (which is a large part of Caplan's argument) but just because something is politically inconvenient or uncomfortable doesn't make it untrue/ magically disappear [as Freddie often reminds us].

The incredibly high co-incidence/ co-morbidity rate with autism is also important and still seems under researched.

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Ah, the time of the month when I fall into a mixed frenzy of excitement and desperation is upon us!

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Thanks for doing this Freddie, and yes it is hard work!

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Freddie - Thanks for linking to that interview. Moving the needle on these gut-wrenching issues is like slogging through neck-deep mud. I have a lot of gratitude for your willingness to be interviewed and repeat the same things over and over and over. Repetition isn't enough, of course, but without it we're guaranteed to go nowhere.

Pre-ordered 🙌🏻 (kudos on banging the drum)

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I was one of those who submitted late, and I also forgot to bold my name. If somehow the list above is not enough for you, I have one more to add to the pile.

itsnotmyfault, Use Your Life Total as a Resource https://itsnotmyfault.substack.com/p/use-your-life-total-as-a-resource

Explaining chores, being on time with young kids, and emotional intelligence, using Gamer and Economics terms.

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