In communism as traditionally understood there is no such thing as self-actualization independent of a social role- human society is deterministic and individual consciousness is necessarily determined by social being. The workers are considered the revolutionary class that will develop the full potential of humanity because Marx conside…
In communism as traditionally understood there is no such thing as self-actualization independent of a social role- human society is deterministic and individual consciousness is necessarily determined by social being. The workers are considered the revolutionary class that will develop the full potential of humanity because Marx considers creative labor to be the human species essence, and such labor is the life-activity inherent to their social role *as workers*.
The idea of a "self-actualization" that happens *against* society, for the sake of expressing some authentic individual essence that exists prior to sociality, is a purely bourgeois idea.
In communism as traditionally understood there is no such thing as self-actualization independent of a social role- human society is deterministic and individual consciousness is necessarily determined by social being. The workers are considered the revolutionary class that will develop the full potential of humanity because Marx considers creative labor to be the human species essence, and such labor is the life-activity inherent to their social role *as workers*.
The idea of a "self-actualization" that happens *against* society, for the sake of expressing some authentic individual essence that exists prior to sociality, is a purely bourgeois idea.