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Oh man, really??

The humans in Wall-E are beyond fat though, they can't even stand upright anymore! That's one of the major themes of the movie - humanity's over-reliance on machines and AI to do everything for them. Something quite important to think about right now I might add.

Ugh...what a weird hill to die on: let's not criticize people who are so ridiculously sedentary they can't be bothered to lift their sodas to their mouths. -__-

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There are entire university departments dedicated to the idea that criticizing people who are so ridiculously sedentary they can't be bothered to lift their sodas to their mouths is a form of bigotry on a par with misogyny or white supremacy.

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While I give this discipline little credence myself I have to push back on "entire university departments," as I'm pretty sure that isn't true. I couldn't readily find any "fat studies programs," which would enable you to graduate with a degree in fat studies, let alone /departments/. (It's far easier to offer a program than host a department!) You'll find a few acandemic journals of course, and university courses offered on the subject, but there's no Sonalee Rashawater Endowed Chair of Fat Studies, head of the Fat Studies Department at Serious University. It hasn't gotten anywhere near that far off the ground academically--unlike gender studies, eg.

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Fair, "entire university departments" was hyperbolic of me. Nonetheless, it is a real academic discipline with classes, journals and so on.

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In my grad school literary theory course, we spent more time talking about the importance of body positivity for fat women (exclusively women; in that class, men were just shitbags who oppress women) than we did talking about literature. Of course we also spent more time talking about Marxist economics, Freudian analysis, Lacanian analysis, post-modernism, colonialism, patriarchy, and racism than we did talking about literature.

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Nature also is fat-phobic, unless you happen to be a bear or a manatee or something.

I wish mice and rats were fatter. They'd be easier to catch that way and probably taste better, to boot. Wild rabbits are so lean that humans cannot survive solely on rabbit meat.

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Apparently that's why you're supposed to eat the brains.

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Rabbit brains aren't bad, I eat pretty much the entire bunny but "rabbit sickness" in humans is a thing.

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You can pry my DVD copy of Wall-E from my cold, dead hands.

My husband and I have a game: whenever we watch a movie that is more than, say, 7 or 8 years old, we see how much time into the film something тАЬproblematicтАЭ happens, at which point one of us will usually shout, тАЬYouтАЩre cancelled, sir!тАЭ

Turn this into a drinking game and plenty of people would be totally inebriated within 15 minutes.

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Ha! That reminds me of the NPR drinking game I heard of recently. You have to take a shot every time they do a story about race or gender issues. You'd be drunk in an hour.

Love the name by the way!

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I had never heard that but it (literally and perhaps suitably) turns my stomach. I find that very upsetting.

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That's the neoliberal order; forbid letting anyone feel bad about themselves rather than take on the real problem, the "weight-loss" industry.

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I had an idea called "Deserted Island Diet Camp" in which a human seeking to lose weight would be dumped off alone on a deserted jungle island and allowed to go feral for a month.

At *this* diet camp, you can eat anything you want! There's plenty of fish, freshwater and saltwater, shellfish, edible fruits and nuts in the trees and bushes and game in the jungle. Along with a small tiger and a leopard or two. And there are crocodiles. Not to mention the snakes.

You can eat anything you want. But you gotta catch it, skin it, cook it, start a fire, keep it going, dig a latrine, build a shelter, compete for your food sources with large predators, etc.. After a month, Deserted Island Diet Camp inmates would come back to civilization with a lean and hungry look in their eyes.

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