In my grad school literary theory course, we spent more time talking about the importance of body positivity for fat women (exclusively women; in that class, men were just shitbags who oppress women) than we did talking about literature. Of course we also spent more time talking about Marxist economics, Freudian analysis, Lacanian analys…
In my grad school literary theory course, we spent more time talking about the importance of body positivity for fat women (exclusively women; in that class, men were just shitbags who oppress women) than we did talking about literature. Of course we also spent more time talking about Marxist economics, Freudian analysis, Lacanian analysis, post-modernism, colonialism, patriarchy, and racism than we did talking about literature.
In my grad school literary theory course, we spent more time talking about the importance of body positivity for fat women (exclusively women; in that class, men were just shitbags who oppress women) than we did talking about literature. Of course we also spent more time talking about Marxist economics, Freudian analysis, Lacanian analysis, post-modernism, colonialism, patriarchy, and racism than we did talking about literature.