What gives up the editors' game on the Woodstock 99 doc are the "survivors" they choose to talk to, well-dressed college graduates who can talk about their white privilege and ruefully laugh about that time they went to a Korn concert and rioted. Those guys are the minority. I grew up in small, very white towns where nu-metal and horrorc…
What gives up the editors' game on the Woodstock 99 doc are the "survivors" they choose to talk to, well-dressed college graduates who can talk about their white privilege and ruefully laugh about that time they went to a Korn concert and rioted. Those guys are the minority. I grew up in small, very white towns where nu-metal and horrorcore rap were pretty much all that's left of the charismatic Protestantism that used to make life meaningful for white lumpenprole dudes. I know those dudes: they didn't go to college, they didn't leave town, and they still listen to Limp Bizkit. They can be pretty unpleasant to hang around, but if they were, like, Peruvian miners instead of gas station clerks in Oregon, we'd at least take their complaints against late capitalism seriously.
What gives up the editors' game on the Woodstock 99 doc are the "survivors" they choose to talk to, well-dressed college graduates who can talk about their white privilege and ruefully laugh about that time they went to a Korn concert and rioted. Those guys are the minority. I grew up in small, very white towns where nu-metal and horrorcore rap were pretty much all that's left of the charismatic Protestantism that used to make life meaningful for white lumpenprole dudes. I know those dudes: they didn't go to college, they didn't leave town, and they still listen to Limp Bizkit. They can be pretty unpleasant to hang around, but if they were, like, Peruvian miners instead of gas station clerks in Oregon, we'd at least take their complaints against late capitalism seriously.