I'll admit it. I LOLed. Turns out somebody wrote a whole book about how REAL socialism/communism/Marxism/whateverthefuckism has simply never been tried. All of them weirdly rapidly descend into wholesale slaughter. But that's because it was those backwards 20th century people. Now in the 21st century, watch whateverthefuckism blossom and not be at all about killing wrongthinkers. I know this ardent belief of "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy is part of deBoer's entire system of religious believes. But the idea that somebody would read some book, and say to themselves "Forget the killing fields of Cambodia, that was just wrong implementation of otherwise really awesome theory" is laughable. If somebody wants to study Marxism, they should start by going to a large grave full on unnamed bodies and think about that for a second.

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Funny Marx book. Although there are no examples of that ideology working anywhere, here is another attempt to explain that the Marxists are smarter now and thus would be successful.

Ever heard the song with the lyrics "you got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them."?

The simple reason that Marxism fails is that it ignores human nature and corrupts human motivation. It is the fatal flaw in all collectivist ideologies. "From those that can to those that cannot" runs into the massive problem of becoming "from those that do, to those that do not." It destroys the meritocracy. It invites mediocrity. It invites laziness. Instead of real profound progress from innovation motivated by the pursuit of individual self interest, we get some half-baked placebo of state-funded science projects that might look to be competitive for a while with enough government spending and demand to perform at the end of a stick... but always eventually runs out of steam and crashes.

With Marxism, instead of motivation to produce, the motivation shifts to either staying below the radar of attention or advancing by licking boots.

We can see this playing out know with the cultural Marxist woke movement. Hiring and promoting because of gender, race and sexual orientation identity and eventually the organization is bloated with seat-sitters spying on their coworkers to file the next grievance claim. I talk to my peer corporate leaders and everyone has had it... looking for a time to purge the woke rot so we can all get back to work.

Nobody is arguing that capitalism is perfect. On the contrary, it is terribly flawed... especially the version of corporatism that the US has adopted. It is just that capitalism is still the best system ever devised in terms of the overall benefit to the human condition. Marxism is just a dream of the capitalist system class envy malcontents who ignore its consistent failure... including the fatality of millions it would result in before it collapses.

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I think if you're looking for examples of monstrous outcomes from capitalism in particular, relatively few fascist dictator, ships work out. Usually the monstrous stuff there has to do with very powerful government, and no limits to what they can do to their opponents. What would be a good example of genuinely monstrous outcomes from a capitalist system in particular? The best (worst) I can think of might be the Belgian Congo or West Indies slave plantations – pretty good imitations of hell on earth that were motivated overwhelmingly by financial gain, and then operated more or less within market systems.

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