This Week’s Posts
Monday, February 13th - No, Francis Fukuyama is Wrong, Not Just Not Even Wrong
We still don’t know what’s coming next.
Tuesday, February 14th - Review: Patrick Bringley's "All the Beauty in the World"
A review of a book that I quite liked, which I was yelled at about for being too mean.
Thursday, February 16th - The Enduring Mystery of Friends
Why was this hugely popular sitcom so devoid of cultural markers?
Friday, February 17th - We’ll Get Dolezals Until the Incentives Change (subscriber only)
Racial mimicry is the product of incentives.
From the Archives
Song of the Week
Comment of the Week
My friend is an English teacher at a majority hispanic HS in NYC. At the start of every school-year, he has students fill out a worksheet where they answer questions about themselves and share with the class - where were you born, what's your favorite subject, etc. For favorite TV show, Friends has been the most common choice for years running. - Mike
That’s all.