(is it weird to reply to the Comment of the Week on the digest post rather than in the post it was originally made? fell behind on reading this week, no one likes reviving dead threads...)

The trouble with leaving stuff in carts is that most places will then take it as liberty to badger you over the following 3 days with "HEY DID YOU FORGET TO BUY THIS THING?" type email reminders, which doesn't help much on the reducing-temptation front...and a few of the more aggressive sellers will one-up that, by <s>throwing in a discount</s> knocking a bit more off the markup price, just Because You Showed Interest. So I actually prefer to weaponize it in the opposite direction: when I __do__ want to buy something, I'll hold it in a cart for a few days, and fish for one of those "discounts". They're surprisingly reliable at some retailers! Slightly delayed gratification for inevitable purchases still pays dividends...

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That Anthony Lane piece is really good.

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Pats-Packs going to OT, congrats!

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A comment on your social justice censorship exchange:

I like the idea, but I hope you can find someone closer to your level of ability to debate with in the future. It's pretty clear your first opponent wasn't really up to the task. I feel bad for them: twitter has obviously done a lot of damage to their views on reality, and they might benefit from avoiding it for a while (or forever.)

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