I like the excuse, “I’m not bourgie, I’ve never made more than $X in a year,” because it's actually its own disproof. You are bourgie, very very bourgie, if you think that being bourgie is about how much money you make. It isn't. It's about attitudes. The idea that how much money you make says something fundamental about you is one of th…
I like the excuse, “I’m not bourgie, I’ve never made more than $X in a year,” because it's actually its own disproof. You are bourgie, very very bourgie, if you think that being bourgie is about how much money you make. It isn't. It's about attitudes. The idea that how much money you make says something fundamental about you is one of the most bourgie things anyone could possibly say. The evident lack of self-awareness is very bourgie too.
I like the excuse, “I’m not bourgie, I’ve never made more than $X in a year,” because it's actually its own disproof. You are bourgie, very very bourgie, if you think that being bourgie is about how much money you make. It isn't. It's about attitudes. The idea that how much money you make says something fundamental about you is one of the most bourgie things anyone could possibly say. The evident lack of self-awareness is very bourgie too.
And even if we restrict it to raw economics, it doesn't say where they went to school or how much is in their trust fund. (The answer may shock you!)