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This week I rear-ended someone on the highway because I was daydreaming. No one was injured, but my car is totaled and I'm waiting on the insurance adjuster to let me know how financially fucked I am over the other party's car. #justADHDthings

Two months ago, I was babysitting a friend's car and lost the key. I turned the house upside down, but ended up having to pay $750 for a locksmith to break it open and replace the key for me. I was so ashamed I didn't tell them what had happened until they asked why the new key looked different. #ADHDpride

My best friend, who was diagnosed in childhood, calls it her "lazy inconsiderate bitch disease." I was diagnosed in adulthood, but we have the same experience with it: ruined friendships, financial instability, struggles in the workplace, and most of all, a general feeling of just being a bad, lazy, selfish person who can't do what other people seem to do easily. I understand people who want it to be a cute personality quirk instead of a cluster of socially-stigmatized behaviors that actually hurt us and other people emotionally and financially. It's just that pretending it's a cute personality quirk doesn't make it so.

Solidarity, homie.

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Aug 8, 2022
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This doesn't surprise me slightly. Thanks for the info!

I hope my car insurer never finds out I have lazy inconsiderate bitch disease.

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My mechanics are certainly aware of this.

re: mass transit, I loved that aspect of living in northern Europe, taking the train everywhere instead of driving. Of course, doing that successfully requires packing all you need and not forgetting anything (being an hour into a 2 - 3 hour train trip and realizing you forgot your suit jacket at home is the worst), in addition to navigating the train timetable and making it there on time. Nothing easy about traveling when you're ADD!

Still, it was a lot safer, and as everyone else here says cost a lot less given the cost of auto accidents.

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