Yeah I don’t think helicopter parenting correlates that strongly with progressive politics. Asians (both in the US and notoriously in Korea, Japan, India and urban China) have some of the most extreme parenting cultures and they also tend to be very conservative (we just don’t recognize it because we associate ‘conservative’ with white f…
Yeah I don’t think helicopter parenting correlates that strongly with progressive politics. Asians (both in the US and notoriously in Korea, Japan, India and urban China) have some of the most extreme parenting cultures and they also tend to be very conservative (we just don’t recognize it because we associate ‘conservative’ with white fundamentalist Christians, but many non-Western cultures are far more conservative than our mainstream).
Yeah I don’t think helicopter parenting correlates that strongly with progressive politics. Asians (both in the US and notoriously in Korea, Japan, India and urban China) have some of the most extreme parenting cultures and they also tend to be very conservative (we just don’t recognize it because we associate ‘conservative’ with white fundamentalist Christians, but many non-Western cultures are far more conservative than our mainstream).