God it's so sad. I also had the "go out in the morning and come back at night" early childhood, I have friends who are well aware of the pitfalls of helicopter parenting, but they're scared to leave their kids alone, in part because people drive giant tanks and drivers don't expect little people to be roaming around by themselves. It's a…
God it's so sad. I also had the "go out in the morning and come back at night" early childhood, I have friends who are well aware of the pitfalls of helicopter parenting, but they're scared to leave their kids alone, in part because people drive giant tanks and drivers don't expect little people to be roaming around by themselves. It's all just sad! You never see bands of kids running around playing by themselves unless they're late-age teens. You almost never see kids climbing trees and if they are there's an adult below them literally holding their hands out if they fall. It's also this fucked up culture where strangers NEVER interact with other people's kids. Part of what made "go out all day by yourself" possible is that other adults like neighbors etc. were watching you for outrageous misbehavior or dangerous situations. And I wonder how class plays into it. Because it's not just ridiculous bougie parents, you don't see kids in poorer neighborhoods out playing alone...
I'm not a parent, but if I were, the giant tank cars speeding through neighbourhoods would be one of the #1 things that would make me hesitant about letting my prospective children roam about freely. I take my nephews out trick or treating every year, and there are frequently psychopaths blasting through residential streets on the one night you're supposed to look out for kids on the roads.
God it's so sad. I also had the "go out in the morning and come back at night" early childhood, I have friends who are well aware of the pitfalls of helicopter parenting, but they're scared to leave their kids alone, in part because people drive giant tanks and drivers don't expect little people to be roaming around by themselves. It's all just sad! You never see bands of kids running around playing by themselves unless they're late-age teens. You almost never see kids climbing trees and if they are there's an adult below them literally holding their hands out if they fall. It's also this fucked up culture where strangers NEVER interact with other people's kids. Part of what made "go out all day by yourself" possible is that other adults like neighbors etc. were watching you for outrageous misbehavior or dangerous situations. And I wonder how class plays into it. Because it's not just ridiculous bougie parents, you don't see kids in poorer neighborhoods out playing alone...
I'm not a parent, but if I were, the giant tank cars speeding through neighbourhoods would be one of the #1 things that would make me hesitant about letting my prospective children roam about freely. I take my nephews out trick or treating every year, and there are frequently psychopaths blasting through residential streets on the one night you're supposed to look out for kids on the roads.