Same. My point was more that I would never countenance being labeled "right" and I'd advise the same to anyone who does not actually consider themselves as such.
Same. My point was more that I would never countenance being labeled "right" and I'd advise the same to anyone who does not actually consider themselves as such.
I try not to countenance being labeled "right-wing", but leftoids pretty much insist I'm far-right (sometimes they insist it's free-market type, sometimes fascistic type). Actual centrist Democrats I meet IRL continue to consider me a flaming commie.
Which is to say, I can only shrug my shoulders at what are simply different usages of "left" or "right", different origin points in the coordinate space. Sure, if your origin point is the Grauniad or the New York Times editorial page, you'll think I'm a right-wing contrarian. If your origin point is the dominant faction of the Democratic Party, you'll roll your eyes at my academic Marxism. If your origin point is the Republican Party, you'll accuse me of being a communist infiltrator.
I only have friends among my own IRL communities and "fellow contrarians/heterodox ex-leftists" anymore, so I don't bother with a label.
Same. My point was more that I would never countenance being labeled "right" and I'd advise the same to anyone who does not actually consider themselves as such.
I try not to countenance being labeled "right-wing", but leftoids pretty much insist I'm far-right (sometimes they insist it's free-market type, sometimes fascistic type). Actual centrist Democrats I meet IRL continue to consider me a flaming commie.
Which is to say, I can only shrug my shoulders at what are simply different usages of "left" or "right", different origin points in the coordinate space. Sure, if your origin point is the Grauniad or the New York Times editorial page, you'll think I'm a right-wing contrarian. If your origin point is the dominant faction of the Democratic Party, you'll roll your eyes at my academic Marxism. If your origin point is the Republican Party, you'll accuse me of being a communist infiltrator.
I only have friends among my own IRL communities and "fellow contrarians/heterodox ex-leftists" anymore, so I don't bother with a label.