I think this is much closer to the truth than "the internet did it," although even this underrates the general weirdness that we live in a country where Blacks voted for Abraham Lincoln and white Southerners voted against Abraham Lincoln for 100-130 years after his death. A look at any graph or voting trends really drives home that up until the 90s most of them were driven by Lincoln and FDR.
I think this is much closer to the truth than "the internet did it," although even this underrates the general weirdness that we live in a country where Blacks voted for Abraham Lincoln and white Southerners voted against Abraham Lincoln for 100-130 years after his death. A look at any graph or voting trends really drives home that up until the 90s most of them were driven by Lincoln and FDR.
I think this is much closer to the truth than "the internet did it," although even this underrates the general weirdness that we live in a country where Blacks voted for Abraham Lincoln and white Southerners voted against Abraham Lincoln for 100-130 years after his death. A look at any graph or voting trends really drives home that up until the 90s most of them were driven by Lincoln and FDR.