I don't. I think what's happened is you're appointed yourself as "America's expert on Eastern Europe" but have pretty limited experience of it. Rural water fountains very commonly have a shared cup throughout the Continent, or at least did until fairly recently.
I'm an Eastern European and never saw this. Why do you make up stuff?
They must have seen you coming and hid them.
Very funny reply! So again, why do you make shit up?
I don't. I think what's happened is you're appointed yourself as "America's expert on Eastern Europe" but have pretty limited experience of it. Rural water fountains very commonly have a shared cup throughout the Continent, or at least did until fairly recently.
I am an Eastern Euro who never lived in the US. And yes, as someone from the region, I'm a bit of am expert on it.
I bet you know all aboot it!
"RETVRN to thr germ cup." You sound like an American who exotocizes Central and Eastern Europe.