Affection for the friends of our parents is it’s own underserved sub-genre. A lovely gift back to your own parents here, whether living or now ghosts of their own.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Freddie deBoer

Ok, that it’s instead of its has been an itch that I’ve been trying not to scratch for 24 hours, but fuck it, I’m giving in. I know the goddamn difference. There. That felt better.

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Freddie likes a book => self-recommending.

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Oh, you had me at CULT. I'm getting it, and I sort of hop-skimmed the rest of the review for fear of spoilers.

Also: My brother wrote a clearly (to anyone who knows him) quasi-autobiographical novel that I love, and I designed the cover and also got to pick my name (Athena!). It's called Very Little Soap, by Kennett Lehmann, and it's on Amazon and the kindle is 99 cents.

Also: Have you (plural you, y'all) seen Martha Marcy Mae Marlene? BEST CULT MOVE EVER and I love cult movies.

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I saw Martha Marcy May Marlene once in the cinema when it came out (12 years ago?). I haven't seen it again since, and it really stuck with me. There are images and lines of dialogue that I remember just as vividly as if I'd seen it for the first time yesterday.

The director's (Sean Durkin) second film "The Nest" is also really good, although it's nothing like MMMM.

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Top of the netflix q now, thanks!

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Ordered and delivered to my device!

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"So I must begin with a confession" seems a bit harsh. No guilt here. Simply a candid disclosure.

that actually adds to the reader's interest in the review.

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Yes, no crime was committed!

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The personal touch makes the review more intriguing! Always great to get to read in-depth about a book I likely would never have heard of otherwise.

Looks like the local library system doesn’t have this yet. Time for a purchase request.

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I enjoyed it a lot; thank you for the recommendation. I hadn't realized that it was part of a series, but it works really well as a standalone novel, I thought.

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It's a backdoor series; he's non-committal about whether the stories are really in continuity.

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Thanks for clarifying. I was unfamiliar with the concept of a backdoor series, but I'm sure I have read many over the years.

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