I think you don't realize how excellent the student body at such a school would be, in comparison to an average existing urban public school that serves either mostly Black kids, or a more diverse student body. I've gone through the public school process as a parent in Brooklyn, and educated progressive White parents would line up overnight to get into such a school.
I think you don't realize how excellent the student body at such a school would be, in comparison to an average existing urban public school that serves either mostly Black kids, or a more diverse student body. I've gone through the public school process as a parent in Brooklyn, and educated progressive White parents would line up overnight to get into such a school.
I'm pretty sure they would not. For example, white parents aren't lining up to get into Success Academy. And I'm not asserting that whites won't tolerate a diverse student body, but rather that they would not seek out an all black school with a 9 rating, because they would know what that meant.
For example, save in certain districts, you don't see whites going into Success Academy, particularly high school.
And my point is not "whites are racist", but rather "all parents prefer to avoid majority black or majority Asian schools" and "all parents prefer a hefty dose of students of their own race and prioritize this above academics". A black parent opting between a black charter school or a mostly white suburban school is more likely to take the black charter, even given the white academics are probably much higher.
Also, and here's something people tend to forget about: if you have a diverse school where 60% of the students score proficient, and a majority black school where 90% of the students score proficient, most parents understand the difference between hitting a benchmark and an average. The average ability level at the first school is almost certainly much higher. It's probably just less likely to dump the weak students than the all black charter (which is the most likely kind of school to hit 90% proficiency).
Did you perhaps miss the phrase "save in certain districts"? And mind you, those schools are only 50% poor and 25% white. Not a big number. Still, Eva opened those schools specifically promising high standards so she could brag about a campus with 25% white kids.
No, I'm saying first off I did acknowledge that Success Academy had a few schools that had more than single percentage white, and second I never mentioned any race but white.
I think you don't realize how excellent the student body at such a school would be, in comparison to an average existing urban public school that serves either mostly Black kids, or a more diverse student body. I've gone through the public school process as a parent in Brooklyn, and educated progressive White parents would line up overnight to get into such a school.
I'm pretty sure they would not. For example, white parents aren't lining up to get into Success Academy. And I'm not asserting that whites won't tolerate a diverse student body, but rather that they would not seek out an all black school with a 9 rating, because they would know what that meant.
For example, save in certain districts, you don't see whites going into Success Academy, particularly high school.
And my point is not "whites are racist", but rather "all parents prefer to avoid majority black or majority Asian schools" and "all parents prefer a hefty dose of students of their own race and prioritize this above academics". A black parent opting between a black charter school or a mostly white suburban school is more likely to take the black charter, even given the white academics are probably much higher.
Also, and here's something people tend to forget about: if you have a diverse school where 60% of the students score proficient, and a majority black school where 90% of the students score proficient, most parents understand the difference between hitting a benchmark and an average. The average ability level at the first school is almost certainly much higher. It's probably just less likely to dump the weak students than the all black charter (which is the most likely kind of school to hit 90% proficiency).
I still disagree! Some Success Academy schools have more White kids than Black kids: https://www.greatschools.org/new-york/brooklyn/13566-Success-Academy-Cobble-Hill/#Students
I know a White parent who sent her kid there, because it was the best school she could find.
Did you perhaps miss the phrase "save in certain districts"? And mind you, those schools are only 50% poor and 25% white. Not a big number. Still, Eva opened those schools specifically promising high standards so she could brag about a campus with 25% white kids.
Tough crowd! Sounds like you're saying it's both too Black to serve my point, and also not Black enough :)
No, I'm saying first off I did acknowledge that Success Academy had a few schools that had more than single percentage white, and second I never mentioned any race but white.