I think the two, fanatical anti-racism curricula and a structurally anti-egalitarian institution, are intimately connected. They a engaged in all manner of frantic activity to undo privilege without actually giving up any money or power. Worse still, this allows the children educated in these same institutions the ability to monopolize t…
I think the two, fanatical anti-racism curricula and a structurally anti-egalitarian institution, are intimately connected. They a engaged in all manner of frantic activity to undo privilege without actually giving up any money or power. Worse still, this allows the children educated in these same institutions the ability to monopolize the discourse on racism, which will inevitably be distorted in their favor.
Maybe I read too much of The Last Psychiatrist, but people need to start seeing this supposed radicalism as a defense mechanism against change instead of what it claims to be.
I think the two, fanatical anti-racism curricula and a structurally anti-egalitarian institution, are intimately connected. They a engaged in all manner of frantic activity to undo privilege without actually giving up any money or power. Worse still, this allows the children educated in these same institutions the ability to monopolize the discourse on racism, which will inevitably be distorted in their favor.
Maybe I read too much of The Last Psychiatrist, but people need to start seeing this supposed radicalism as a defense mechanism against change instead of what it claims to be.