Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Your "infinitely complex identity" gets a little bit more basic and a little bit less complex for every day that you use twitter. Keep that in mind.

I had no idea this show existed, so I guess it was a useful post in an informative sense.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Freddie deBoer

Love this.

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Brilliant and hilarious. Will someone please tell HRC there's this thing called a "sell by" date?

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“Uniting a myriad backlash to late-Obama-early-Trump-era feminism was a shared conviction that the world’s actual worst people, the true oppressors, were liberal white women. The hypocritical Karens, convinced of their own supreme victimhood, all the while benefitting from affirmative action and white supremacy and benevolent sexism and and and.”

Equality is real. Females are as capable of greediness, selfishness, nastiness and meanness as are males. The meanest of females are the feminists. It isn’t just white females. Time to reject the concept of misogyny. Welcome to the real game where everyone gets treated the same… like they deserve.

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Presumably there was a point to this article, but what?

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We regrettably do not vote for politicians based on policy, but on the vibes they put out. This is frustrating when you’re stanning a policy platform, but it makes a sort of sense; the whole point to having a representative democracy is to send somebody you trust to play politics in your stead while you are living your normal life. The trust is what matters, that you send somebody who will not neglect or betray you, and developing trust between people really is more than 50% vibes.

The vibe I get from Hillary Clinton, or rather the level of trust she has developed with me, is that picture of her in the kitchen- https://external-preview.redd.it/wi7lA2QplH38kW9srwQJqDIVdPTsOui-W0Rc0bXY30I.jpg?auto=webp&s=d2721fb98930d531ec239cd650be30dda5ce5bab

She’s in a normal person’s home, with a normal kitchen that’s clearly kept clean and where there’s a bit of clutter that is nonetheless organized, and her reaction is like she’s taking in a refugee camp after a rough year in Bosnia.

How could I ever trust her to play politics in my stead, when she is visibly disgusted by me and my community?

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"Watching 'Gutsy' so you don't have to!" Ms Bovy, for this we will be forever grateful.

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I never fail to be amazed at the amount of navel-gazing that humans exhibit, the performativity, the narcissism.

Even when I am fed and satisfied and content to watch wildlife from a comfy perch, I just watch the wildlife rather than ask myself what does it really mean to be tabby. In fact, I can't even see my navel underneath my belly fur.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

When I saw "Gutsy" on my Apple TV, even as someone who voted for Hillary, my gut reaction was "oh fuck" - and this post captures what I imagine my experience to be if I subjected myself to an episode.

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Thanks for the summary. Sounds beyond tedious. Hillary will remain awful. Chelsea may grow up by the time she hits 60. I doubt it.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Sounds awful. I hadn't heard of this show, and I feel no need to acquaint myself with it further, but it was interesting to read a little about it. It sounds like nothing more than Hillary Clinton marketing herself, which seems to be all she does anymore.

Personally, I suspect Hillary's decision to stay with Bill was basically just careerism in action. But I could be wrong. Maybe, despite everything, she actually loves him. It's been known to happen.

My favorite take on the 2016 election came after the fact from Republican former House Speaker John Boehner. I don't have the exact quote handy, but it was close to this: "Donald Trump was the only Republican Hillary Clinton could possibly have defeated, and she was the only Democrat he could possibly have defeated. 300 million people in this country and somehow we got those two."

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

From the description of this particular episode, it seems that the purpose of Gutsy is for a middle-aged daughter to give her boomer parent the last grasp attempt at still feeling relevant in the world even as the daughter waits slightly off to the side giving off the 'mom, please get the fuck out of the way' vibe. This is what a lot of Gen-Xers and older Millennials have been feeling for about 20 years now.

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If there’s anything we can all agree on, it’s that the Clintons need to Go Away. And be gone for good. This show feels like a rebranding, where they’re desperately trying to show Hilary as life-like and good-humored. Christ, this is dismal.

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Interesting piece.

Hillary Clinton is, to me, the anti-feminist and pretty much the poster child for the Democrat Party at this point. She is every worst stereotype about women: whiny, demanding, self-entitled, and pampered. And she has none of the best stereotypes: nurturing, understanding, and compassionate. When it comes to "policy," she is decidedly "male" in her approach, which is to say calculating and self-serving with no regard as to the consequences for the people who she rules over (and in her mind, she definitely "rules"; she doesn't in any way "serve.").

As for Chelsea, I'd feel sorry for her, but as you say, she's a personality-less lump who rides on her parents' coattails.

And I'm not even going to try "Gutsy." "Gutsy" is a woman who does what she needs to do day in and day out and understands what obstacles she faces, but works her way around or through them. And she doesn't rely on her "woman-ness" to win arguments. None of that describes Hillary, or any of the people it seems she "features."

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I watched part of one episode--the one about marriage--because it featured my friend Fraidy and her excellent and important organization, Unchained at Last, which helps women escape forced marriages and is working to make child marriage illegal nationwide.

I was so disappointed in the show, even going in with low expectations. Fraidy barely got to talk at all, and her whole segment was less than five minutes long. Most of the episode was self-congratulatory--Hillary being praised by a Black female preacher for her “courageous” decision to stay married to Bill, and other interviewees praising Chelsea because she and her husband discuss all their issues every night before going to bed. Every night! All their issues! What a drag that would be. Let some things slide, people!

But I digress. My main issue with the show is that there are MANY important topics the Clintons could have focused on, and many voices they could have boosted given their huge audience. But based on the episode I watched, they are using their platform to boost themselves instead.

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Stop here before considering watching or giving any attention to Gutsy. https://www.amazon.com/New-Clinton-Body-Count-Suspicious/dp/B09QP6QN1M

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