I want a *Left wing* political movement that is ignorant of material conditions (and justifies the status quo), that serves to create social status for precarious elites, that panders to my hysteria and narcissism, that validates grudges that developmentally I should have gotten beyond by this point of my life, and that focuses attention…
I want a *Left wing* political movement that is ignorant of material conditions (and justifies the status quo), that serves to create social status for precarious elites, that panders to my hysteria and narcissism, that validates grudges that developmentally I should have gotten beyond by this point of my life, and that focuses attention on my social class and its strange, esoteric enthusiasms.
I'd also like that movement to be grounded in the certainty that we live in a hellish dystopia that cannot be improved by human will and ingenuity, and that any good-faith efforts to suggest otherwise are met with anguished outpourings of scorn and revulsion.
I want a *Left wing* political movement that is ignorant of material conditions (and justifies the status quo), that serves to create social status for precarious elites, that panders to my hysteria and narcissism, that validates grudges that developmentally I should have gotten beyond by this point of my life, and that focuses attention on my social class and its strange, esoteric enthusiasms.
Is that too much too ask?
I’ve got great news for you.
I'd also like that movement to be grounded in the certainty that we live in a hellish dystopia that cannot be improved by human will and ingenuity, and that any good-faith efforts to suggest otherwise are met with anguished outpourings of scorn and revulsion.
We should try The Walking Dead org method.
Well played.