They will wield it to devalue human labor, first and foremost. As if that is the most pressing issue of our time. “Humans are making money from skills and work. We MUST stop them! Useless eater/breeders.”
I find the whole thing a most misanthropic endeavor.
They will wield it to devalue human labor, first and foremost. As if that is the most pressing issue of our time. “Humans are making money from skills and work. We MUST stop them! Useless eater/breeders.”
I find the whole thing a most misanthropic endeavor.
They will wield it to devalue human labor, first and foremost. As if that is the most pressing issue of our time. “Humans are making money from skills and work. We MUST stop them! Useless eater/breeders.”
I find the whole thing a most misanthropic endeavor.