The review of your book is generally positive but also spends as much time trying to deconstruct you as a Marxist than it does talking about the book itself.

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Odd that he suggests Freddie pivot to neoconservativism... as if nothing bad has arisen from that worldview in the recent past.

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And seems to be unaware of almost all of Freddie's other work.

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As soon as you say the word "Marx" a lot of people get incredibly triggered and lose the ability to conduct a sensible discussion. I feel like it stems from a lack of familiarity with the Marxist intellectual tradition. They never seem to be clear on what exactly it is they're arguing against.

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I love that song! (In the post title)

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Freddie deBoer

Congrats on 100!

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I preordered your book, Freddie, on bookshop.org. If you're interested in "quid-pro-quoing" I should mention my new (Pynchon by way of Confederacy of Dunces) novel is only 99¢ on Kindle this week.

I don't expect you to quid pro quo everyone who orders your book, but I was inspired by the chutzpah of your "official response/AOC" post to see if you'd fall for it once!


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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

I think it’s an accurate review. It isn’t terribly kind to you. Though, it is a great testament to the quality of your books and essays that we both, apparently, enjoy your writing as much as we do while simultaneously finding many of your core beliefs ridiculous.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

`...it’s in the Wall Street Journal.'

and written by an editorial page writer so exactly what you'd expect.

Summary: I suspect that it wasn't intended to drive up subscriptions to your substack.

Anyway, it's long (so you're taken seriously) and the reviewer can't write worth a damn (so definitely an opening for you at the WSJ).

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