Does the Bo Jackson book discuss Tecmo Bowl at all?

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023

For would-be athletic heroes of the era Bo was an icon for his evident potential. His ‘measurables’ were the envy of every guy who ever wore a little league uniform or toiled away on the JV scout team. He just didn’t last long enough to prove up as completely as he would’ve if he’d stayed in one piece. His b*tch slap run over Brian Bosworth seemed like a defining moment, he looked like the second coming of Jim Brown. Alas that was but a single moment. Guess I’ll have to read the book! Thanks for the word.

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This Substack Notes thing is interesting. Is it going to be a separate app?

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Something's broken with the link to the comment of the week, was curious to see its context

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