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This is one of the best pieces you've ever written. Poor Grant!

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Build a model. Use just one or two variables. See how well it works/how long you get to keep your job.

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“Simplicity” is one of the hallmarks of cult thinking - the binary - you’re either with us or against us - it’s this or that - Us and Them.

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Great article!

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"But that’s my favorite sort of person, the kind who isn’t blandly likable and safe to know, but rather extracts a cost to be close to and then repays that cost with rare and complicated gifts of personality."

I know this is from a different article, but my god, what an absolute jewel of a description.

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Sorry, this was too long and complicated; didn't read it. I'm assuming it's well written, but I'd probably be annoyed by it because it would make me think. I think I'll wait for one of your shorter pieces where you dunk on the lefties that aren't lefty enough.

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Well argued. Any close relationship will always have both intensely positive and intensely negative moments and phases. The tragedy is to discard one of those relationship because of the inevitable negative times.

My last post was about combatting this phenomenon and may be an interesting complement to what you have written.


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I can't help but feel that children demand black and white thinking and view the world in simple terms. A culture that endorses perpetual childhood is setting itself up for failure.

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Incredible piece.

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You had me at Microsoft Excel, but lost me at cricket, a game I've never understood.

So I'm ambivalent about this piece.

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The totalizing discourse demands simple answers!

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That last paragraph = chef’s kiss

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Freddie deBoer

If everything is so simple, why do we need therapy to unpack it?

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After I read this article I said I hope Freddie writes about it. As usual you are spot on. Thanks !

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