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Bingo. Thank you for what you do there.

I would add that there are probably a number of jobs that could be done by adults with learning disabilities that would be productive. However, you are absolutely correct, IMO, that work enhances people's sense of independence. It also increases self-worth, self-confidence and sense of purpose.

I agree with Jordan Peterson that the west is having a crisis in people failing to fine enough life meaning. He describes it as having three primary ingredients: love (loving and being loved), spirituality (belief in something bigger than self), and meaningful work. However, he says, and I agree, that work is meaningful even when there is a feeling that it is not meaningful work.

We should not only crush any no-work narratives being promulgated today, but we should both strive to make sure work opportunities are plentiful for everyone, and to encourage people to work and discourage them from accepting a life without work.

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Would sex work and the disability fraud I described in reply to ih8edjfkjr count as better than "a life without work"?

Who decides what's work?

(For example, as a fairly traditionally-religious woman, I sometimes run into traditionalist men who have more difficulty than they realize reconciling the "sacred" unpaid work of women in the home with supposing that modern women who only do this work aren't really working at all.)

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Disability fraud is disgusting and very common.

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That does not answer my questions, though.

For one thing, I asked about a specific scenario ("the disability fraud I described in reply to ih8edjfkjr") that I doubt should morally count as fraud, but instead ought to count as something by your own rhetoric you might approve of: maximizing useful work in an intermittently-able person who may lose what intermittent ability he has without steady benefits.

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Yes, in Hayward, California, I saw these signs offering to buy diabetic test strips, what's that about?

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