Collectivism absolutely works. China is demonstrating this as we speak. Such a mindset is alien to our culture, so of course you dismiss it out of hand because you don't understand it.
Collectivism absolutely works. China is demonstrating this as we speak. Such a mindset is alien to our culture, so of course you dismiss it out of hand because you don't understand it.
You see... this is the problem with you people... you failed to take enough Economics classes and thus develop opinions like this that are simply false.
China only became economically strong because of the democratic capitalism success of the US that it looted from. If the US had been a collectivist system, China would still be a 3rd world country today. Over 50% of the products produced in China today, were invented in and made in the US. The US educated almost all of China's engineers and scientists.
You simply cannot make this case that China is an example of how collectivism works if the collectivist system cannot grow and thrive itself.
"You see... this is the problem with you people... you failed to take enough Economics classes and thus develop opinions like this that are simply false."
I know University of Chicago econ people. I'm married to a libertarian who literally used to teach price theory. I'm unsure he'd recognize your economic opinions (for example, on "productivity") as free-market, either.
The free market and the prosperity gospel aren't the same thing. While it's common for American political rhetoric to invoke the spirit of Joel Osteen when it thinks it's invoking the spirit of Milton Friedman, that doesn't mean it's right.
National Socialism = fascism = "private" businesses using market prices and nominal owners to allocate resources. But ALSO doing a lot of what the gov't wants.
Hitler gave fascism a bad name; Insane Jew hate racism is not part of fascism.
REAL fascism has never been tried.
Until "Communist" China. The successful "capitalists" are allowed to get rich, as long as they stay on the good side of those currently in power.
China has built many huge, great things - and brought more millions out of poverty, more quickly, than ever before in history. Using fascist gov't + business + market prices.
Lots of great stuff; but also lots of crap. Recently they had to demolish many housing skyscrapers because of shoddy work.
Jewish collectivist Kibbutzim "worked" at maintaining subsistence level existence, but only after the '67 6 day war did Israel give up their Zionist collectivist dream - and become an economic powerhouse in the ME despite almost no oil nor other salable natural resources.
Collectivism absolutely works. China is demonstrating this as we speak. Such a mindset is alien to our culture, so of course you dismiss it out of hand because you don't understand it.
Is widespread bribery and corruption a hallmark of collectivism? Or the worst kind of crony capitalism?
Yes. People is the problem, and genetic technology will solve it.
You see... this is the problem with you people... you failed to take enough Economics classes and thus develop opinions like this that are simply false.
China only became economically strong because of the democratic capitalism success of the US that it looted from. If the US had been a collectivist system, China would still be a 3rd world country today. Over 50% of the products produced in China today, were invented in and made in the US. The US educated almost all of China's engineers and scientists.
You simply cannot make this case that China is an example of how collectivism works if the collectivist system cannot grow and thrive itself.
What that I wrote is nonsense? You just seem to be upset that your worldview isn't being supported by facts and reality.
"You see... this is the problem with you people... you failed to take enough Economics classes and thus develop opinions like this that are simply false."
I know University of Chicago econ people. I'm married to a libertarian who literally used to teach price theory. I'm unsure he'd recognize your economic opinions (for example, on "productivity") as free-market, either.
The free market and the prosperity gospel aren't the same thing. While it's common for American political rhetoric to invoke the spirit of Joel Osteen when it thinks it's invoking the spirit of Milton Friedman, that doesn't mean it's right.
National Socialism = fascism = "private" businesses using market prices and nominal owners to allocate resources. But ALSO doing a lot of what the gov't wants.
Hitler gave fascism a bad name; Insane Jew hate racism is not part of fascism.
REAL fascism has never been tried.
Until "Communist" China. The successful "capitalists" are allowed to get rich, as long as they stay on the good side of those currently in power.
China has built many huge, great things - and brought more millions out of poverty, more quickly, than ever before in history. Using fascist gov't + business + market prices.
Lots of great stuff; but also lots of crap. Recently they had to demolish many housing skyscrapers because of shoddy work.
Jewish collectivist Kibbutzim "worked" at maintaining subsistence level existence, but only after the '67 6 day war did Israel give up their Zionist collectivist dream - and become an economic powerhouse in the ME despite almost no oil nor other salable natural resources.