Freddie, how are we supposed to format our submissions in the Google form? Those entry fields don't have formatting.

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I don't think it's possible to hyperlink article in google form.

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I really enjoyed a lot of the pieces from the last time you did this. Looking forward to the next batch.

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I had the same problems with the form, but I've put everything in the proper order.

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Same issues. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

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I think it would save you a lot of work/hassle to set up the Google Form so that each piece of information (name, title, link, blurb) is a separate field, and then set up a mail merge-esque template in Google Docs with all the correct formatting.

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I think bimonthly is a good move. I enjoy these roundups, as I always find at least a couple pieces I enjoy reading, and occasionally find myself bingeing the author's substack as a result.

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Thank you for the opportunity, as always, Freddie! I am alas joining the litany of people who weren't able to get the hyperlink to appear in the Google form. (Or maybe it's there? It doesn't look like it, but I could be wrong.) I'm sorry about the extra work this is causing!

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