I don’t know- I think you’re projecting a bit here. Being old and checking out (and sometimes liking) new music is a pretty healthy way to stay in touch with the larger culture. I’m a 53 year old straight white dude, and I kind of like the new Charlie xcx album - I’m not particularly into pop music or anything, but (as you’ve mentioned i…
I don’t know- I think you’re projecting a bit here. Being old and checking out (and sometimes liking) new music is a pretty healthy way to stay in touch with the larger culture. I’m a 53 year old straight white dude, and I kind of like the new Charlie xcx album - I’m not particularly into pop music or anything, but (as you’ve mentioned in another context before), you can appreciate something without it being your entire personality.
I'm not sure if feeling compelled to *like* Taylor Swift if that kind of music isn't your thing, for fear of being dismissed as an old man telling the kids to get off of his lawn, isn't the best instinct either.
Myself, I was never into Madonna back in the day, so it's not like pop is some novel thing that you have to be young to understand. I see no reason to revisit the autotuned descendents of Madonna now.
I don’t know- I think you’re projecting a bit here. Being old and checking out (and sometimes liking) new music is a pretty healthy way to stay in touch with the larger culture. I’m a 53 year old straight white dude, and I kind of like the new Charlie xcx album - I’m not particularly into pop music or anything, but (as you’ve mentioned in another context before), you can appreciate something without it being your entire personality.
Of course listening to new music is good. What's not good is THINKING THAT DOING SO SOMEHOW PROTECTS YOU FROM AGING.
Fair enough - I just haven’t really encountered these people in real life. Maybe I just need to get out more (-;
[edit] and I say this as a dude that still lives in now ridiculously gentrified Williamsburg.
Unless you like country music and then nothing old is considered uncool.
Last month at Kyle field largest ticketed event in the U.S.
I'm not sure if feeling compelled to *like* Taylor Swift if that kind of music isn't your thing, for fear of being dismissed as an old man telling the kids to get off of his lawn, isn't the best instinct either.
Myself, I was never into Madonna back in the day, so it's not like pop is some novel thing that you have to be young to understand. I see no reason to revisit the autotuned descendents of Madonna now.