Like I said yesterday, liberals have been hopping from one foot to the other on CRT for months - it’s an advanced academic subject that could never leave the ivory tower, but it’s also just the idea that slavery and racism are bad, as needed. Tom Scocca is going for the “it’s just a ginned-up controversy that no liberals have been pushing for.” Scocca obviously knows that thousands of liberals have in fact gone to war for CRT in that span, arguing that CRT is good actually and every student should be taught it. But that’s not rhetorically convenient, so let’s pretend nobody, not a single Democrat, has been playing into the frame. That will be constructive.
Of course if Scocca is right it means that liberals got rolled by Christopher Rufo, in which case they deserve to lose and should never speak in public again.
The bigger question for the entirety of American progressivism is this: who is Scocca talking to? To whom is he making this appeal? This is something liberals do relentlessly, appealing to some shadowy and vague arbiter of what’s fair. Hey, Republicans are pulling dirty tricks!, they complain again and again. But who is listening? What tribunal of wise judges does Scocca think is reading his tweets? What arbiter is ready to dispense justice? Too many in the left-of-center intelligentsia in this country grew up in contexts where fairness matters, where you could always count on mom or the teacher or the HR department to mete out justice. But life doesn’t work that way. There are no refs. “Republicans only won because of racism.” Yes, it’s impossible to imagine voters rejecting the party of Andrew Cuomo and Kyrsten Sinema and Gavin Newsome for any reason other than racism, agreed. So what? Who do you think is going to come and correct that injustice for you? The only opinion that matters is that of the voters, and they think your whining about unfairness makes you look weak.
Of course, the answer to the question is at the bottom, those likes, those retweets. That is the only authority educated liberals ever appeal to. Not Twitter - well, yes, Twitter, but more the opinion of other educated liberals. That is their godhead, their el shaddai el yonna Adonai. They get more out of being a sighing chorus of other liberals than they do from winning, so winning doesn’t concern them much. Meanwhile one person tries to add an ounce of critical thinking into Scocca’s utterly self-exonerating narrative, and of course he’s ratio’d, dunked on, bodied. Because the people who liked Scocca’s tweet don’t do introspection, they don’t do self-criticism, they never look within. They appeal to nonexistent refs and ask the universe, “why?”
I feel increasingly like I’m surrounded by competing moral panics and prefer to just opt out of the panic war altogether. I don’t see how to get invested in this CRT issue without getting sucked into one moral panic or another. I do think the anti CRT hysteria is a moral panic. Yeah I get it, there are some repugnant things that could be taught under a true CRT-dictated curriculum but just no part of me actually believes that my kids are going to be taught any of this in a disciplined way. I really do think that things will mostly go on same as they ever were, with most of school being watered down basics aimed at a level some common denominator of kids can get, with some teachers teaching some weird shit (which they ALWAYS HAVE, just usually from a markedly dishonest pro american exceptionalism perspective) that will probably not really stick with most kids anyway. Their main influence will continue to be their own pop culture which is now social media. This honestly reminds me of the sex ed panic that happened when I was in school myself. My own parents opted me out so that I wouldn’t have the school overriding their parenting. Guess what, didn’t work - I had sex before marriage, use birth control and support abortion and gay people. I mean maybe my parents were reacting to some genuinely weird stuff going on in some parts of the curriculum or training, but overall teaching kids about sex and making condoms available didn’t turn kids into sex maniacs and it did lower the teen pregnancy rate and make gay kids more accepted. I just see the most likely path of “CRT” influence in curriculum not as a bunch of white kids feeling suicidal over whiteness, but just a generally more racially progressive curriculum which I don’t see as a bad thing over all, or at the least neutral compared with curriculums historically.
To be fair I also see the hysteria over white supremacy in our current culture as a bit of a moral panic as well. Not that racism isn’t real or anything like that. It is and it continues to harm people and cause inequalities. But the focus on language and micro aggressions and the “safety” of the highest economic and social class of people in their elite institutions is absolutely a moral panic.
I really hate Twitter. It has absolutely made liberals its bitch. It's basically an Evangelical church for the Left. The toxic social incentives are strikingly similar.
So Dems, get the fuck outta there and start talking to average people (of all races and genders) if you want to start winning again.